Half way through my article on Commonwealth games i realised that posting all my research and finding that i do while writing a blog would be a good idea. This way the visitors would know what little research i have done before i wrote the Article.
I don't have the notes on everything that i posted till now(the First nine articles). But i will provide the notes i have. From now on i will update this page to provide some insight in to my research and how you can do your own research before you writing down a post or an article.
To start with i am using google and Wikipedia,yahoo Answers as my sources. Also i check out the official websites related to each article i write to give some credibility to the content i am posting.
I pulled Content from Allahabad High court website : http://allahabadhighcourt.in for writing my article on The Ayodhya Verdict
Common wealth Games official website : http://www.thecgf.com/
Official website of the common wealth foundation : http://www.thecommonwealth.org/
Website for installing UBUNTU on windows http://wubi-installer.org/ . It was really easy to install UBUNTU with this website. I tried UBUNTU as part of installing Chromium OS.
Official Ubuntu website : http://www.ubuntu.com/
Huawei company (Mobile Devices) official website : www.huawei.com