Top 50 Ad Networks worth trying

Ofcourse Google Adsense tops them all but it is difficult to abide by their terms and conditions if you are expressing your point of view on subjects like my blog. No offense though they have to cope with their own legal issues.

I have tried Adbrite,infolinks and Chitika and am planing to try out which looks to be providing good context/country sensitive adds which is what every one would like and Clicksor which provides innovative adds which are more appealing to your website visitors.

My personnel experience :
Chitika is for those who have more traffic coming from search engines.

Clicksor is for those who have traffic that doesnt come from search engines but from alternate ways. Clicksor also has intext ads option like kontera and infolinks.

Both clicksor and chitika can work well with other add networks.

Adbrite seems to have a Ad market place which works if you have reasonable site traffic. also comes in this catogery.

Kontera and Infolinks are specilists in intext advertising. They can also be used with other advertisers like clicksor,chitika adsense and adbrite. The problem with intext advertising is they are very annoying popup ads which irritate users. and no body wants to click them.

Flooding your website with too much adverts will slow it down. So check for the best advertising option and stick with it for some time. If it works well stick to it else move on to the other one. I am currently trying out clicksor.

Check out the below article which provide list of top50 Ad networks to explore provided by
Top 50 Ad Networks To Explore - Website Magazine - Website Magazine
This Top50 lift is above is a good way to familiarize yourself with the top Advertising jaints.

And how do you pick up the best. Trying them out is the best thing. Some Add companies work well for some publishers and some dont. You got to pick the one that works for you. Just try the out for 1000 ad impressions this give you an idea of the add network's compatibility with your website.

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JonCohen said...
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